Safe HaskellNone





readFileScriptInAnyLang :: forall t (m :: Type -> Type). MonadIOTransError (FileError ScriptDecodeError) t m => FilePath -> t m ScriptInAnyLang Source #

Read a script file. The file can either be in the text envelope format wrapping the binary representation of any of the supported script languages, or alternatively it can be a JSON format file for one of the simple script language versions.

Script data (datums and redeemers)


newtype CddlTx Source #




Instances details
Show CddlTx Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cardano.CLI.Read

Eq CddlTx Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cardano.CLI.Read

Tx witnesses

data ShelleyBootstrapWitnessSigningKeyData Source #

Data required for constructing a Shelley bootstrap witness.




  • !(SigningKey ByronKey)

    Byron signing key.

  • !(Maybe (Address ByronAddr))

    An optionally specified Byron address.

    If specified, both the network ID and derivation path are extracted from the address and used in the construction of the Byron witness.

Required signer

Governance related


data FileOrPipe Source #

We need a type for handling files that may be actually be things like pipes. Currently the CLI makes no guarantee that a "file" will only be read once. This is a problem for a user who who expects to be able to pass a pipe. To handle this, we have a type for representing either files or pipes where the contents will be saved in memory if what we're reading is a pipe (so it can be re-read later). Unfortunately this means we can't easily stream data from pipes, but at present that's not an issue.


Instances details
Show FileOrPipe Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cardano.CLI.Read

fileOrPipePath :: FileOrPipe -> FilePath Source #

Get the path backing a FileOrPipe. This should primarily be used when generating error messages for a user. A user should not call directly call a function like readFile on the result of this function

readFileOrPipe :: FileOrPipe -> IO ByteString Source #

Get the contents of a file or pipe. This function reads the entire contents of the file or pipe, and is blocking.

Stake credentials

DRep credentials

Update proposals

Vote related